CBD oil (Cannabidoil) supplements are one of the hottest new trends in natural health care right now. With so many state adopting laws allowing medical (and recreational) use for marijuana, it’s no wonder that this non-intoxicating derivative of marijuana and hemp is getting so much attention.

Some of that attention is well-deserved. Many research and clinical trials are showing some real promise for CBD oil for a number of health complaints. There are some downsides to the product as well, as can be expected from anything that makes a physiological change in the human body. We are going to discuss both sides of the issue here, as well as briefly explaining how CBD oil works and how it compares to/fits in with Chinese Medicine as a health modality for patients.

What is CBD oil?

As stated above, CBD oil is is Cannibidoil; one of over 100 “canniboid” chemicals present in the family of plants that include hemp and marijuana. THC, or Tetrahydrocannabinol – the chemical in marijuana that gets people “high” –  is probably the most famous of these  compounds. CBD oil does not have any psychoactive or euphoric properties like THC, but shares many other actions with it.

How does CBD oil work?

The human body creates a group of neurotransmitter chemicals called Endocanniboids. These chemicals bind with receptors throughout the body that regulate numerous body functions. CBD oil, a phytocanniboid (think a substance from outside the body that can do the job of one from inside the body) binds to the same receptors in our brain, nervous system and our organs to replace or supplement the actions of our own natural neurotransmitters.

What can CBD oil treat?

The Endocanniboid System helps us to regulate functions like fertility, sleep cycles, pain sensations, mood levels, insulin sensitivity, and memory. These are some, but not all, of the areas where CBD oil is being researched and clinically trialed to find where it can be beneficial for patients. CBD oil for pain symptoms is probably one of the most popular application of the product, but it is showing some promise in managing the symptoms of nausea and pain in chemotherapy patients, helping with insomnia and sleep disorders (especially in Parkinson’s patients), appetite regulation, protecting the cardiovascular system from damage in diabetics and controlling high blood pressure. Studies are looking into what kind of roll it may have in drug addiction treatment and as a possible  antipsychotic therapy.

Does CBD oil have side effects?

The side effects of CBD oil are less than a lot of the drugs that they may be able to replace, but there are still some to be aware of. The more common side effects include diarrhea or constipation, increased appetite, sleep disruption, NAFL (non-alcoholic fatty liver) or fatigue.  It has the potential to interact with other medications, so people taking one or more prescription meds should thoroughly check that there are no contraindications for combining it with those meds. (Your pharmacist would be a good source of info for that.) Thyroid hormone production is sometimes decreased with CBD oil use, so thyroid deficient patients should probably think again before trying it.

What should I know when buying CBD oil?

If you decide it’s for you, there are a few things to watch for when selecting a CBD oil product. The product should  be cleanly sourced, as pesticides and other chemicals used on the crops can show up in the derived product. It is also believed that about 1 out of 5 products brands still contain a  trace amount of THC. Using a hemp-sourced product can help eliminate this, but in cases where your employer/profession regularly test for drug usage, one should use caution when trying CBD oil.

The “Final Take” on CBD oil from a Chinese Medical standpoint.

While these products have some intriguing value in managing a number of symptoms, they may not be the “miracle cure-all” that is being presented right now. Certainly, they seem to be safer than opioid drugs, and may be able to replace other medications for anxiety, depression and ADHD that have strong negative side effects; but many of their touted uses are for the management of symptoms NOT the cure of a condition.

There is, in every instance of human health problems a CAUSE. Our job in this office is to give information but to also offer SOLUTIONS to the CAUSE that we find via exhaustive diagnostic. CBD, in conclusion, is something that may offer some relief to certain conditions but is unlikely to correct the body’s basic  functional imbalances that are causing the symptoms. That’s where acupuncture comes in, like no medicine on planet earth, in the history of mankind.