backache from summer yardwork

It’s finally summer here in Wisconsin and, with the warmer weather, many of us are out in the yards doing a major spruce up for the sunny summer months. All these projects can leave our bodies feeling a little worse for wear.  It’s natural to feel a bit of physical strain as the body switches from the more sedate activity levels of the winter season into the increased activity of the warm. There are a lot of things that can be done to speed the recovery from these seasonal chores.

First of all, remaining hydrated while you are at work in the yard is key. You may need an electrolyte boost if you are getting really warm and sweaty or in the sun for any length of time. See our post about staying hydrated HERE.

Another thing to add is a Calcium-Magnesium supplement to prevent and reduce muscle aches. (We have awesome electrolyte and Cal-Mag products at AHHA.) You can add a comfy soak in a warm Epsom salts bath to increase Magnesium as well.

We recommend  scheduling a few “booster” treatments to get you through the increased activity level coming up. The Acupuncturist can help you boost circulation and recovery time by increasing the body’s function and ability to withstand the extra strain and heal the minor injuries usually associated with  this time of year.

Nothing in this document is intended as a substitute for your doctor’s diagnosis and/or treatment. This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA.