More than 10 million Americans get acupuncture treatments each year. However, if you are new to acupuncture, you may struggle to find the right acupuncturist. Because acupuncture is not mainstream, many people do not know what to expect when they get acupuncture treatments.
Some acupuncturists are more experienced than others. So if you want the best results from your treatment, you must choose an excellent practitioner. Below are five tips to help you find the best acupuncturist.
1. Know the Type of Acupuncture You Want
Different acupuncturists offer varying acupuncture treatments. The effectiveness of acupuncture treatment depends on the health condition you want to treat. Thus, when choosing an acupuncturist, ask them what type of treatment they offer and the health conditions that method treats.
Some types of acupuncture include:
- Japanese acupuncture
- Traditional Chinese Medicine acupuncture which is almost exclusively focused on symptom treatment only, rather than treating the cause of the problem
- Western medical acupuncture which is exclusively focused on symptom treatment only, rather than treating the cause of the problem
- Five-element acupuncture
- Korean acupuncture
- Auricular acupuncture
- Dental acupuncture
- Microsystems acupuncture
- Dry needling which can be very intense and focuses on symptoms only and is not what a highly trained acupuncturist would recommend in most
2. Verify Acupuncturists’ Credentials
Do not assume that everyone who says they practice acupuncture is a qualified acupuncturist. Qualified acupuncturists undergo training to help them diagnose and treat ailments using various acupuncture techniques.
You can trust a licensed and board-certified acupuncturist to administer treatment correctly. This is because acupuncturists undergo 100’s of hours of supervised hands-on training before acquiring a license and board certification.
Some doctors, physical therapists, naturopaths and chiropractors briefly train as acupuncturists on the side. Because these individuals practice under their unique medical license, they do not have to meet the strict training requirements for practitioners with a Master’s of Science in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.
It is always best to work with someone who specializes in acupuncture, as you can trust them to have comprehensive experience in the treatment. Thus, always consider the education an acupuncturist received before procuring their services.
3. Consider Costs and Payment Terms
The cost of acupuncture treatments depends on the type of treatment, the location of the acupuncture center, and your acupuncturist’s experience. When interviewing acupuncturists, ask them what they charge for initial and follow-up treatments.
It is also essential to know the forms of payment an acupuncture clinic accepts. Medicaid and Medicare rarely pay for acupuncture because it is not a conventional treatment.
If your insurance provider covers acupuncture, they may have listed acupuncturists you can get treatment from in the plan. Alternatively, you can pay for your treatment out of pocket. Ensure you work with an acupuncturist who provides detailed payment records you can issue to your insurance provider or keep for your records.
4. Choose a Practitioner with a Favorable Practice Model
There are two main practice models in acupuncture clinics: private and community acupuncture. Clinics that offer private acupuncture provide patients with private treatment rooms and have much more time allotted for each individual patient.
The private practice model is convenient if you do not feel comfortable in group settings, especially in times of a pandemic, etc. Because you have a one-on-one session with your acupuncturist, you can be more comfortable telling them your symptoms and private health history.
5. Visit Acupuncture Facilities before Booking a Treatment Session
You get the best results from an acupuncture treatment if you feel relaxed during the session. Thus, it helps to familiarize yourself with a facility before getting treatment there. Besides, how an acupuncture clinic looks might tell you whether you can trust an acupuncturist with your health or not.
Some acupuncture facilities look like spas, while others resemble hospitals. Choose a facility where you feel most comfortable. Also, consider the cleanliness of a facility before choosing an acupuncturist.
Acupuncture is a centuries-old practice that yields numerous benefits. However, to maximize the benefits of acupuncture, you must work with the best practitioner you can find. Contact us for comprehensive and effective acupuncture treatments in Milwaukee.