How Chinese Herbs Work

Many people take Chinese herbs, but there is much confusion as to how they actually work. Fundamentally, Chinese herbal formulas restore circulation and build organ function. The way that a formula is composed includes combining specific herbs to cause a very specific outcome and having those herbs complement each other. In Read more…

Acupuncture and “Qi”

There are a few ideas floating around about the basic theory of Acupuncture and why it works. From my perspective, I don’t care about opinion or who’s right or who’s wrong, rather I’m interested in what makes sense and gets the best result for the patient. With that in mind, I Read more…

picture of Chinese herbs

Chinese Herbs and YOU

People in America often times wonder how Chinese herbal formulation is done. What are Chinese herbs? Why take them? How do you take them? Why can’t I just go to the Vitamin or Health Food Store and take a mixture of supplements? The answer to all of these questions is simple: each person, and their individual life stresses, is unique.

Acupuncture and Children

Kids often times respond very well to Oriental medicine! In our clinic, we perform acupuncture on children five years of age and older. Often times, they can receive additional benefit from Chinese herbs. For children under the age of five, a Chinese herbal prescription is best (without the acupuncture). We also train parents Read more…

Is Lifestyle Causing Your Pain?

Patients always ask us if they can do the activities that might be contributing to their symptoms. For example, a woman with recurrent elbow problems who plays tennis asks if she should keep playing tennis. In the typical western medical community, the general answer is “you’ll probably just have to live with it…unless you Read more…