Common very good questions people of literally any age ask as they suffer with maladies include:

  1. “Why do I have this particular symptom?”
  2. “Why won’t this symptom just go away on its own?”
  3. “How long will it take for the symptom to go away on it’s own?”
  4. “What should I do if the symptom in the end does not go away?”

Let’s answer those questions here!

But….before answering those questions, let’s discuss the definitions of key terms in this general area of discussion.

SYMPTOM:  a manifestation of a breakdown in function.  The symptom is NOT the problem, rather it is the indication that a larger problem exists.  House plant leaves wilting is not the problem…..rather the lack of water and soil nutrients in many cases is the problem!  This word comes from an old Greek word, symptoma, which indicates “a happening (as a result of something else).”

DISEASE PROCESS:  that underlying imbalance, often undetected in Western Medicine, that eventually shows up as a mild or severe symptom or “indication”.  An “indication” is something that points to something ELSE!  The word ‘disease’ comes from an old French word meaning “away from ease (or balance)”.

“Why do I have this particular symptom?”

There are a few answers to that question, starting with one’s genetic health, which may put the body into a position to experience any given symptom, leading to a loss of function over time, eventually resulting in a symptom.  THE KEY TO UNDERSTANDING WHY A SYMPTOM EXISTS IS UNDERSTANDING THAT A BODY HAS SUSCEPTIBILITIES AND LIKE WATER THAT FINDS THE QUICKEST ROUTE DOWN THE SIDE OF A MOUNTAIN, THE DISEASE PROCESS TAKES ADVANTAGE OF THOSE WEAKNESSES AND SHOWS ITSELF AS SYMPTOMS!  Consider a car you are driving and the dashboard lights.  The vehicle’s way of telling you to take action is a indicator on the dashboard that suddenly lights up telling you the brakes are having trouble.  The real problem is not in this case the brake light on the dash board.  THE PROBLEM LIES OUT OF VIEW IN THE BRAKE LINE!

When you have a headache (as example and also not to discount the discomfort it causes), that is merely the indicator light on the dashboard.  The actual problem lies under the hood so to speak…in fact there are no less than 19 reasons a body might give a person headaches as a sign that action is required.  Which leads a seasoned and effective Acupuncturist to centuries-tested incredible diagnostic processes that uncover the disease process which in turn leads to relief and correction of the problem in many cases.

“Why won’t this symptom just go away on its own?”

In short, if any given system in the human body has low function, (it has been said the threshold for symptoms to begin is below 40%) that system will exhibit symptoms.  If the function is not pushed above that threshold, symptoms will simply never go away permanently.  RESTORATION OF FUNCTION, not necessarily the introduction of laboratory chemicals, is what solves human health problems in many, many cases.

“How long will it take for the symptom to go away on it’s own?”

First of all, the question is……will the symptom go away on its own?  In some cases, they may, so long as the function is somehow increased in the related body system.  If not, obviously, the symptom may persist or possibly come and go based on activities, diet, etc.

A rule of thumb may be:  if a symptom is unrelenting or consistently  intermittent for 4 weeks or more, it would be a good idea to take action.

What should I do if the symptom in the end does not go away?”

Two options exist in this case:  live with it……or do something.  Oriental Medicine for 1000’s of years, has, to its credit, evolved five vital branches of medicine to resolve many symptoms for those that choose to discover the cause, resolve symptoms and RESTORE BALANCE!

Concerned about any symptoms you are experiencing and want to get to the root?  Take advantage of any specials happening at this link: